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Helping people to FODify It! for a Calm Tummy and Happy Heart.

IBS Secrets Revealed Summit – Feb. 1st 2023

IBS Secrets Revealed Summit

Dear friends,

My friend, Kelly Cleveringa of Clever Body Wellness is hosting a free digestive health summit starting February 1st.

IBS Secrets Revealed

I am honored to be a part of the panel of speakers, representing FODify It.

All digestive health experts will be offering all sorts of advice for improving your digestion and enhancing your life.

Get access here:

This is a free summit with 15 speakers who are also offering free gifts for viewers.

Once you’re signed up, the details will be emailed to you.

The interviews are short and to the point conversations you can watch from home, the office, or on the go.

Here’s to making 2023 your year of great gut health!

Wishing you a calm tummy and happy heart,


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